Deputy Principal - Learning and Innovation | Director of Learning and Teaching | |
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OLMC Learning and Teaching Charter
The Charter sets out the principles under which all our learning and teaching programs operate.
Years 7-10
The broad curriculum at Years 7 and 8 allows for the acquisition of essential knowledge and skills. Students undertake subjects from all strands of the Victorian Curriculum. Students study two languages in Year 7 (Japanese, Italian and French are offered) and one language in Year 8. The Outdoor Education camps in Years 7 and 8 focus on providing girls with new challenges within a safe environment.
A unique component of the Year 9 curriculum is the Horizon Program, which provides multiple and extensive opportunities for students and the College to engage with the wider community through inquiry-based learning, weekly community engagement activities and ‘trail’ days. All Year 9 students are involved in this program for a full term, on a rotational basis.
At Years 9 and 10, students are developing mastery of skills for independent learning and they make choices in some of the subjects they study. The core curriculum includes Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, Languages (French, Italian or Japanese) and Health and Physical Education. The optional studies include Graphic Design, Music, Humanities, Mathematics, Drama, Dance, Visual Art, Food Technology, Textiles, Information Technology and Media.
The Year 10 curriculum enables increased student choices. VET units are also available for students who wish to pursue areas of special interest. All students in Year 10 undertake Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science, Civics and Health and Physical Education.
Years 11-12
Pathway 1: VCE – Victorian Certificate of Education
OLMC offers a comprehensive range of VCE units in the key learning areas. Students develop individual programs of study after a thorough selection process supported by staff and parents. At OLMC students will normally undertake 24 units over two or three years. The actual subjects offered are listed separately.
Pathway 2: VCE Including VET – Vocational Education and Training
Our College is a member of the Northern Melbourne VET cluster, a group of 30 secondary schools that share resources in the organisation and delivery of a wide range of VET certificates. Students may undertake one or more VET studies as part of their VCE or VCAL course. Students may use the cluster, the school or local TAFEs to access VET subjects.
Pathway 3: VCEVM - Victorian Certificate of Education Vocational Major
The Victorian Certificate of Education – Vocational Major (VCE VM) is a Year 12 equivalent qualification which may be preferred by students with a clear vocational goal or those who prefer hands-on, project-based learning. Completion of this program leads to employment, Certificate or Diploma level further study or potentially Bachelor degree programs.
Curriculum/Subject Handbooks

Learning Diversity
We are committed to ensuring that each student has the support she needs to achieve her full potential. Ms Catherine Burke (Student Coordinator) and Ms Kylie Willis (Staff Coordinator) lead a team in providing direct support to some students, either on an individual basis or in small groups. They also support staff to plan programs and targeted teaching strategies for improved student learning outcomes.

Information and Communication Technologies
The College is a technology-rich learning environment, with students benefitting from digital whiteboards in every classroom, total wireless coverage and a ratio of 1:1 provision of student notebooks/desktop computers. Parents and students have access to regularly updated assessment and reporting information via the College Learning Management System, SIMON. All Year 7–12 students regularly use notebooks to maximise their learning experiences. The College is committed to providing high quality contemporary learning, therefore its investment in new learning technologies remains a high priority.

Language studies are a dynamic area of learning within the College, which provides a myriad of opportunities for students. OLMC offers three languages from Year 7 to Year 12: Japanese, French and Italian.
The College runs overseas tours every year for students in Years 10 and 11. College tours feature language immersion classes, cultural studies and visits to important tourist sites.
VCE numbers for languages are strong, reflecting the popularity of these studies at OLMC and the value of language learning to future career choices and lifelong learning. Our highly experienced teachers ensure that all students are provided with every opportunity to succeed.
Learning Commons
The Learning Commons (library) is an exciting centre for learning. Ms Anna Apfelstedt, the Coordinator of the Learning Commons, and her staff are highly skilled in promoting and advancing reading and research skills, with both students and staff benefiting from their services. There are book clubs, after school study programs, good access to web resources and an up-to-date book collection to encourage reading.
Promoting Excellence in Learning
Our staff aim to promote excellence in learning in all their interactions with students through encouragement and setting high expectations. We also affirm excellence through our recognition and celebration of achievement. This is done through:
- Certificates for academic excellence and endeavour in all subjects in Year 7-10 at the end of each semester
- Academic Prizes for the highest achievers in Years 7-11, presented at end-of-year assemblies
- The opening of the School Year Assembly, where we welcome and acknowledge our College Dux and the top 10 VCE students from the previous year.
Careers Program
Careers Education at OLMC occurs in classes, assemblies, seminars and on work experience. Our Careers Coordinator, is available to work with individual students and parents. Their role includes increasing students’ awareness of possible careers and their understanding of the requirements and realities of differing occupations. They also assist students to evaluate alternative pathways. There is a well-stocked careers library of texts and e-learning resources to support students in their career research and decision making, as well as our Careers website, which provides students with access to a range of information and resources on careers and further study opportunities.
Delivery of the careers program at OLMC includes the following:
- One-on-one careers counselling
- Careers and Futures Expo
- Parent and student information sessions
- Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) and Work Experience opportunities
- Regular communication to parents and students via communication portals such as the school newsletter and Careers website
- Administration requirements and procedures of the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) for Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) and Work Experience.