Andrew Gibson
Director of Learning and Teaching

Thank you to parents and guardians who completed the survey at the end of last term.

The survey was to seek feedback as to the preference for the interviews to be held at the College or online. The majority response was for these interviews to be held online. Furthermore, the use of Google Meet to conduct interviews was found to be straightforward. Therefore, the upcoming interviews will be held online via Google Meet, as done in Semester One. Phone support will still be provided on both evenings.

We have two Parent / Teacher / Interview Sessions this Term.

They are:

Years 10 - 12Thursday 4 August
Years 7 - 9Wednesday 7 September

Both these dates are Student Free Days.

For the upcoming Years 10 - 12 interviews, bookings will open on Monday 25 July at 3.30pm on PAM.

Bookings will close at midday on Wednesday 3 August.

We look forward to discuss student progress at these interviews.