This term, two Year 9 classes experienced the Horizon program for the first time, participating in many new ways of learning. These included investigating and planning possible careers, going into the city each week to build our independence, and working together to develop good communication and teamwork skills.
Through this program we had to complete many assessments regarding social issues and problems seen throughout the world globally. As part of these, we were introduced to IBL, Inquiry Based Learning. We were given the opportunity to choose any topic related to a social or global issue to focus on and work in a team to complete tasks. In these groups, we had free rein to conduct and present research throughout the term, and pitch a solution at the end of the program.
We felt that IBL was an opportunity to express our concerns for wider issues that will affect our futures. At times it was hard to source information, especially when organising or reaching out to get interviews, but we stayed determined and overcame these challenges by seeking help from our peers and teachers.
Overall, we enjoyed the Horizon program as it was a new experience that will help us think outside the box, boost our self-confidence and collaboration, and consider how our actions may impact our futures.
Olivia T and Alexis D 9DWR