Judith Weir

Life at OLMC over the last two weeks has been very busy with a number of significant events and fundraisers.

Yesterday we celebrated Mercy Day, one of the most significant days in the OLMC calendar. Not only do we celebrate the foundress of the Sisters of Mercy, Catherine McAuley, we raise funds to support Mercy Works. Catherine McAuley has been quoted as saying ‘Never command anything which you yourself have not practised’. If we wish to be treated with respect and compassion, we must show that to others. At OLMC we are empowered together to be Mercy people and this privilege means that we are called to think about our neighbours both near and far. The students show us time and again that they know and understand this message when they give so generously to organisations like Mercy Works.

Mercy Day was a wonderful celebration of all that it means to be part of the OLMC Community. Mass was beautiful and the Choir led us so expertly. The stalls, disco, games and food were all fantastic, as was the participation of the students. The Staff vs Student Volleyball was a highlight and perhaps for the first time in a very long time, the students won. The Student Leaders are to be commended for all their hard work leading up to and during the day.

There are sometimes moments in the life of a Principal when you see students living the values of the school. Mercy Day is one of those and it is with immense pride that I watch the students look out for each other, celebrate the talents of others and work together to sell all sorts of baked goods, lollies, fairy floss or books. It was enriching to see our students engaged wholeheartedly in the day, taking every opportunity to have fun and celebrate our community.

On Wednesday 11 September we held the annual Celebration Concert. Students from Year 7 to 12 performed pieces based on the theme for the evening of ‘Let’s Go to the Movies’. The whole evening was a wonderful showcase of student musical talent. It was evident that students had worked hard in learning and rehearsing their pieces to present the polished performances for us. Congratulations to all who performed on the night, you have shown great courage, and brought such joy to our community.

On Tuesday we celebrated the skills and talents of our GSV sporting teams at the 2024 Sports Evening. Australian Olympian, Tamsyn Manou (née Lewis) was our special guest. She was inspirational, generously sharing with us moments as an Olympic competitor. She shared historical moments of joy and challenge, helping our young people understand what it is possible to achieve if you are passionate and willing to put in the hard work.

Our students have participated in GSV, other organised external sporting competitions and House-based sporting activities in very strong numbers. It was a privilege to be part of the evening recognising the grit, determination, commitment and skill of all who have represented themselves and our school so admirably. Congratulations to all who received an award.

On Sunday 8 September we hosted the Annual High Tea to raise funds for McAuley for Women and Children. Over 200 people attended and it was wonderful to welcome eight Sisters of Mercy to the event.

This is our last Newsletter for the term. For our Senior students this is the beginning of the most challenging part of their year. As we go into the break, our Year 12 students are beginning their exam preparations and we wish them all the very best. Trial exams will take place at OLMC during the break for all students undertaking a Units 3 and 4 study.

We wish all at OLMC a wonderful break and a chance to enjoy some time with family and friends.