It has been a busy term so far in Senior House, with a focus on celebrating and farewelling our Year 12 cohort. Tuesday 10 October saw our pastorals gather together to complete final rituals with their group. Many have had the same Pastoral Leader for three years and the missing presence of our Year 12 students is very much felt when they finish. We also held our final House Assemblies on this day and acknowledged the many achievements and contributions of our students during 2023, including those who received their Colours in Year 12.
Our Year 12 group enjoyed the week of festivities and we loved seeing their creativity on show as they dressed up in a different themed costume each day. The Graduation Day is a highlight of our school year. It is a day to acknowledge 13 years of formal education, but also the end of a chapter for our students. The opening of their Year 7 Time Capsule is a wonderful experience, filled with much reminiscing, a few tears and plenty of laughs. We wish our Year 12 cohort all the best in the next part of their lives and hope they can look back at their time at OLMC with fond memories.
Kathryn Williams
McAuley House Coordinator