Hello everyone! We hope you had a restful break and are ready for the exciting term ahead. While our Year 12 students are completing their final week of high school, let’s take a moment to look back at the amazing highlights from Term 3.

Last term’s House Arts was an incredible success, with fantastic performances from both our Junior and Senior students. The talent on display was truly inspiring, showcasing the vibrant creativity within our school community. A huge thank you to everyone who participated and helped make House Arts such a memorable experience.

In true OLMC tradition, we also celebrated our annual school feast day—Mercy Day! The day was filled with lively stalls, delicious food, and outstanding performances. A special shout-out goes to our Student Leadership Team for their historic victory in the Staff vs. Student Volleyball Match—they took home the win for the first time ever! Together, we raised an impressive $8,600 for Mercy Works. Thank you to everyone who contributed and brought joy to the day.

We’d also like to congratulate the newly appointed 2025 Student Leadership Team! We’re confident you’ll achieve great things and continue to inspire our school community.

As our journey at OLMC draws to a close, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and kindness throughout the year. Your contributions have made this year truly special.

Thank you, and goodbye!

Jessica B (12MAMN) & Nathasha J (12CRIV)
College Captains

I’d like to extend my sincere thanks to our amazing Student Leadership Team for their outstanding efforts this year. Your dedication to amplifying student voice and fostering a strong sense of community has made a significant impact across the school. Your leadership, hard work, and commitment have been truly inspiring, and you should all be proud of your achievements this year.

Well done, and thank you for making this year a great one!

Fiona Koenig-Doig
Student Leadership Coordinator