The Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools School Improvement Survey (MACSSIS) is taking place between Thursday 7 and Thursday 27 October.

Simon Conlan
Leader of Learning Development

A range of OLMC families will receive an invitation to participate in MACSSIS, along with log-in details in the week beginning Monday 11 October.

MACSSIS is the primary method used by the Melbourne Archdiocese to gather feedback about schools from everyone involved in a school community, thus parent, guardian and caregiver responses to the survey are most important. When the survey opens, members of the OLMC community will receive an invitation to participate in the online survey and instructions as to how to do so.

Participation in the approximately 20-minute survey is voluntary but if you receive an invitation you are encouraged to complete it as you will be given the opportunity to respond to such aspects of OLMC as:

  • School climate
  • Student safety
  • Barriers to engagement
  • Catholic identity

All students and all OLMC staff will also be participating in the survey.

If you would like further information, or if you would like to volunteer for participation in MACSSIS, please contact me at the College: sconlan@olmc.vic.edu.au or 9455 7546.