This week at OLMC, once again the strong community support was evident amongst our families, students and teachers as they rose to support each other. Last week, as we celebrated the end of secondary schooling with our Year 12 students, I congratulated them on how they have managed over the last two years. The celebrations continued to include all of the opportunities to recognise the Year 12s and while they were live streamed, they were no less significant. We were able to acknowledge how much they have had to call on all their capacity for resilience and managing change and uncertainty. We wish them all the very best as they head into their exams next week.
Today we welcomed back Year 7, 10 and 11 students onsite. It was delightful to see all of them and to once again have the school filled with the laughter and chatter of students. Next week Year 8 and 9 will begin their first day onsite for two days. The staggered arrangement will continue until 5 November. Information was emailed to all families on Wednesday confirming the arrangements over the coming weeks.
While we are returning to school we are still living with some restrictions and expectations about how we continue to protect each other. We will continue to follow the advice of the Department of Health and Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools and follow our COVID Safe Plan. Hand sanitiser is available and all desks will be sanitised at the end of each lesson. Windows and doors will remain open to aid with ventilation. We have asked students to enter and exit via specific gates to minimize congestion.
Unless exempt all students will be expected to wear face masks while at school both indoors and outdoors. We also expect that students will wear their masks appropriately. This is one way we can all work to support each other to help keep ourselves and families safe. Please ensure that your child leaves home with a mask. If for any reason a mask needs to be replaced we have some available from Student Reception.
The next few weeks will be interesting for all of us as we adjust to life out of lockdown and new expectations. We are aware that for some the transition back to school may be challenging and it may be quite tiring as everyone goes back to old routines. Please contact the Pastoral Leader, Year Level or House Coordinator if you have any concerns. Our counselling team is also available to support students.
We are excited about continuing to welcome students back over the next two weeks. We still have quite a few weeks left of classes and we are grateful for the opportunity to finish the year at school. Thank you to everyone for your ongoing patience and support during remote learning.
Once again, I wish all our students undertaking Unit 3 and 4 exams all the very best.