It has been a very busy year for Debating and Public Speaking at OLMC! From House Debating to DAV competitions and the annual Frayne Speech Festival, many girls across all years have challenged themselves to compete against other schools in public speaking, debating and voice choir.
The DAV Competition finished in Term 3 and all of our teams were extremely successful. Three of our Junior debaters received commendations. Congratulations to Ellie T (8DDA), Emilia F (8BHO) and Eva D (8BFA).
This month we had both our Junior and Intermediate House Debating Competitions. These competitions encourage girls with a variety of skill levels to participate in a debate, sparking friendly competition between all Houses for the famed trophy.
Carmel won Junior House Debating for the first time in years, whilst McAuley won the Intermediate trophy! Carmel and Mercy Seniors went head-to-head in a speed debate for their final round, with Mercy finishing on top. Congratulations to everyone who was involved in planning, speaking, adjudicating and coming to cheer on their Houses and friends.
We also had the honour of hosting the Frayne Speech Festival in August. For the third year in a row our Year 9s and 10s placed first in Voice Choir, as well as our Senior Debating Team bringing home the trophy. A very successful day for OLMC!
DAV is one of OLMC’s main external competitions and we’re so proud of all our girls who continued their participation, or joined this year. We can’t wait to see them participate again next year.
Alana P (11CJSE) & Hannah H (11CTKI)
Debating and Public Speaking Captains