Five Year 10s and Year 11s headed to the Holy Cross Centre this week to participate in the Seeds of Justice Conference.
The conference is finally back in person and was held as an overnight camp. Our students had the opportunity to meet students from other Mercy schools across Victoria to discuss social justice initiatives and this year’s theme focused on the Climate Crisis: ‘Laudate Deum: Is this the World We’ve Created?’.
On the first day, we had a session facilitated by expert Sally Neaves, Integral Ecology Animator at the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea. The students were compelled to consider actual ecological disasters that affect our country and how we might work together to prevent, educate, imagine and act.
We thank the Seeds of Justice Committee for all their hard work in putting together this wonderful program.
You may like to reflect on the opening prayer below that was read out by the OLMC students.
O God of the poor,
help us to rescue the abandoned
and forgotten of this earth,
who are so precious in your eyes.
God of love, show us our place in this world
as channels of your love
for all the creatures of this earth.
God of mercy, may we receive your forgiveness
and convey your mercy throughout our common home.
Praise be to you!