Mind, Body and Soul: Strong Pilates Excursion
This term, the Year 10 Mind, Body and Soul elective had the opportunity to attend a Strong Pilates class in Heidelberg, as part of their excursion to explore new fitness activities. Strong Pilates is a dynamic and engaging class that blends traditional Pilates techniques with cardio-infused movements, creating a full-body workout that is low-impact yet high-intensity. It is designed for people who want to push their limits while focusing on strength, endurance, and flexibility.
The students loved stepping outside the classroom and trying something new, with many commenting on how they felt empowered by the opportunity to challenge themselves in a supportive environment. Not only was it a fantastic workout, but the class highlighted the importance of developing physical skills that can be incorporated into lifelong fitness routines. The experience was a great reminder of how fitness can be both fun and functional, promoting overall health for years to come.
Year 7 SEPEP Basketball: Leadership, Teamwork, and Collaboration
Our Year 7 students have been working hard in their SEPEP Basketball unit. SEPEP (Sport Education in Physical Education Program) gives students the chance to engage in sport in a more holistic and interactive way, where they are placed in teams and take on specific roles to ensure the smooth running of a basketball tournament. From team captain to scorekeeper, each student contributed in meaningful ways to the success of the unit.
It was inspiring to witness the students demonstrate leadership, teamwork, and sportsmanship, as well as make new friendships and develop collaborative skills. The emphasis was not just on the physical aspects of the game, but on how each role supported the overall experience. Whether organising teams, managing the competition schedule, or encouraging teammates, the Year 7s showed great initiative and responsibility. It was a fantastic opportunity for them to practise communication, problem-solving, and social skills in a real-world context.
As we approach the end of the year, we are proud of the progress our students have made in developing both their physical skills and their ability to work together as a team. It has been a fantastic term filled with new experiences and opportunities for personal growth, and we hope these activities inspire students to continue exploring fitness and wellbeing beyond the classroom. Whether through Pilates, Basketball, or future endeavours, we encourage all students to keep building on the habits and skills they’ve gained, setting the foundation for a healthy, active lifestyle for years to come.
Stay active and keep having fun!
Jemma Banfield
Health and Physical Education Teacher