English is unique in that all students are required to study an English subject from Year 7 until Year 12 and so it has been a busy start to the term in English across the school. The following snapshot offers a perspective on the wide range of texts and activities that students are undertaking in Term 1.

Year 7 students are learning about persuasive techniques in preparation to writing a persuasive essay relating to a current issue.

In Year 8, English classes are studying the play Frankenstein, an interpretation of Mary Shelley’s classic novel reimagined as a play by popular British author, Philip Pullman.

In Year 9, students are enjoying reading and responding to a range of Australian short stories before planning and writing their own response from a different perspective to the original story.

Year 10 students are analysing the gothic fiction of the American mid-century author Shirley Jackson through their study of the novella We Have Always Lived in the Castle.

In VCE English, Year 11 students have been exploring Montana 1948 in preparation for their first SAC, a text analysis whilst Year 12 students are studying the dystopian novel Station Eleven and developing their own interpretations of the text.

In Literature, Year 10 students have had a taste of Ancient Greek society through their study of Sophocles play Antigone, Year 11 classes are studying the views and values of A Doll’s House by Henrick Ibsen and preparing for oral presentations. Year 12 students are comparing the novel Picnic at Hanging Rock by Joan Lyndsay with Peter Weir’s iconic film. Year 11 students studying English Language are on a steep learning curve as they learn about the functions of language and its various subsystems while learning a whole new linguistics vocabulary to support this and Year 12 English Language students are exploring the social purpose of informal language.

The study of English subjects supports students to engage in a wide range of ideas from fiction and non-fiction texts, the media and contemporary society and this helps them to reflect on current issues as well as allowing them to enter multiple worlds. Students can reflect on the past and present and understand how ideas and attitudes may have changed over time and to explore ideas from a range of perspectives which ultimately supports them to make sense of the human experience.

Parents and carers are encouraged to engage in discussions and ideas associated with the texts, creative writing, media issues and language that students will study this year which is certain to be enriching and thought-provoking.

Anne Morrison
English Learning Area Leader