1st Century Palestine
The Texts and Traditions (Luke’s Gospel) class last week finished their studies of Outcome One, where they encountered the background, (history, culture, politics, geography, language, people) of first-century Palestine. In addition to sore arm muscles after writing two one-hour sacs in three days, here is a summary of their learning.

Next, they begin their exploration of Jewish and Greek literacy styles used by biblical authors. They are so excited!
In other Religious Education classes across the school there has been a particular focus on prayer, thanks to the work of Grace Austin. Grace has been supporting her colleagues in developing our skills in leading prayer, and as a result there have been classes taking part in Lectio Divina, Christian Meditation, the Ignatian Examen and other mindfulness activities, as well as creating prayers which are uploaded to SIMON for the use of pastoral groups each morning.
OLMC has many groups within the area of Faith and Ministry, one being Faith Animation. This group meets each Day 1 in the Chapel where we explore, plan and organise our liturgical experiences at school. If you are interested in being part of this group, please come and join us at lunchtime each Day 1.