Year 10 Self Discovery Day

While half the Year 10 Cohort participated in their Reflection Day on Thursday 10 March, we took the opportunity to allow the remaining half of students to reconnect with their peers while participating in activities designed to help students recognise and identify their strengths and how these will allow them to interact and work positively with others. These students are approaching a time in their lives where increasingly they will need to draw on their own independence and communication skills to respond to opportunities that give them the chance to progress into adulthood, be that part-time work, volunteering activities, accelerated studies, license applications etc. The day facilitated by "Tripod Education" and their wonderful presenters, Lolly and Pam, challenged students to strategise in teams, articulate their personal qualities and skills, work collaboratively and present in front of their peers. We are looking forward to the day being run in Semester Two for the other half of the Year 10 cohort.

In reflecting on the day, students summed it up as ‘fun’, ‘engaging’ and ‘inclusive’. Some of their extended reflections are below:

“I think the day was very helpful in the sense that I found out more about myself that I couldn't before put into words. It has helped me understand what employers look for and what I can do to stand out. In discovering more about my personality I can now reflect easier on myself knowing my work ethic and who I tend to work best with.”
Sienna H. 10 CMSM

“The activities were enjoyable and got everyone engaged by the use of the really good speakers. The lessons felt quick as we enjoyed ourselves. It was well structured as there were discussions in groups but as a whole which was good. everyone really got out of their comfort zone and tried something new today.”
Cara M. 10 AGLE

Ms Melinda Williams
Careers Coordinator