Judith Weir

Last week we celebrated International Women’s Day with the theme, “#BreakTheBias”. Once again, the celebrations on the day were led by our student leaders. A video was prepared, capturing the voices of a number of students from all year levels. I was so impressed by the wisdom and courage of our students and their understanding of the issues, and their ideas and hopes for change. The student leaders are to be congratulated for leading by example in giving so many a voice and a focus in our celebrations.

This week we hosted the Year 8 Time and Space Evening. It was wonderful to welcome men to share in conversations with each other, their young person and other students about what matters to them at the moment. Participants had the opportunity to listen and to share wisdom with each other, and to begin to gain an understanding of the other perspective on life and growing up. We are looking forward to hosting many more events like this as we work in partnership with you to support the growth of young people beyond the classroom experiences.

As was the case last year, another wonderful aspect of the evening was watching Year 9, 10 and 11 students host the small groups and lead parents and students through a conversation. It was such a delight to see these students volunteer and lead with confidence and generosity of spirit. They were wonderful ambassadors for OLMC and great role models for our other students. We look forward to a similar experience next week.

On Tuesday 22 March, we are hosting the Year 7 Time and Space Evening. Once again, I anticipate that this will be a wonderful evening.

We are in the season of Lent, a time for renewal and hope in The Resurrection. As we approach this Easter we pray for renewal and live with hope in our hearts, that all will experience compassion, justice, courage and joy; the OLMC values that we hold so dear. We continue to pray for those who are living through devastation whether that be events of nature or war.