Year 8 Excursion - Jewish Museum of Australia and St Kilda Hebrew Congregation

On Monday and Tuesday of last week, Year 8 students attended an excursion to the Jewish Museum of Australia and the St Kilda Hebrew congregation in St Kilda.

As the students are currently learning about “The Life and Times of Jesus”, gaining a better understanding of what life would have been like in the first century for a Jewish person was most useful.

During our time at the museum, students learned about the history of Judaism, the important events in the Jewish calendar (including Passover) and beliefs and rituals. We were also fortunate to be allowed to visit a Synagogue nearby, where students asked and answered questions about the various elements of the place and what they represent.

Finally, we participated in a typical Shabbat feast, complete with delicious challah and grape juice, and students demonstrated the roles taken and the blessing given during the lighting of the candles and the blessing of the bread.

Thank you to the teachers who supervised this excursion.

Bernadette Hogan
Religious Education Learning Area Leader
