OLMC Music has been busy with performances in our community and beyond over the last few weeks.
Our Cantors performed as part of the Mother’s Day Liturgy, inspiring an invitation from Mercy Education (MEL) for our choir to perform as part of a Leadership Mass on Thursday 25 May. Thirty eager students were taken by private bus to the RACV Club in Bourke St to lead the congregation of MEL Leaders in song through their final mass. The girls performed beautifully and we would like to thank Ms Weir for nominating OLMC to perform at this special event.
Monday 29 May was filled with music as a variety of OLMC ensembles and music students hit the stage for our annual Mid-Year Concert. A full house enjoyed a variety of music and student arrangements throughout the evening. We would like to congratulate all of the students, especially all the Year 7 students who performed on stage for the first time. Seeing those beaming faces after their performances said it all. Well done to you all.
A special congratulations also needs to go to the following students for completing their AMEB Exams:
- Marissa E. (8SLO) – Voice
- Sienna I. (8DCH) – Piano
- Lacey M. (9GTA) – Piano
- Isabella P. (11MAMN) – Voice
- Madeline S. (10LAGA) – Piano.
We look forward to our Year 7 Music Evening and Celebration Concert in Term 3!
Jo-Anne Mileto
Instrumental Music Coordinator