Judith Weir

As we reach the end of Semester 1, we are grateful for all that we have been able to achieve so far this year and look forward with hope regarding all that will be possible in the next Semester. One of these important things we can be grateful for is a year that allowed us to continue to do all of the important things we have come to expect about OLMC. Students have excelled in so many different ways and have committed to engaging in GSV, productions, music, debating, dance and clubs in huge numbers. OLMC is certainly alive and vibrant because of our students.

Yesterday all students who are undertaking a Units 3 and 4 subject completed the GAT. This is always a milestone for Year 12 students because it signals that there is only one semester of their time left at OLMC. While there is much still to achieve for all our Year 12 students it is important to acknowledge that they are moving into the last stage of their secondary education with us and we will continue to support and care for them as they make decisions about their journey after OLMC.

Key Commitment 7 of our Strategic Directions is to 'Establish new and strengthened approaches to building parent engagement in and understanding of their daughter’s learning and in the life of the College'. As part of our ongoing strategic development, we have commissioned a company, schoolEd, to facilitate a process to develop a new Digital Technologies Strategy. This strategy will guide development of our next steps in the area of digital technologies allowing us to build the knowledge, skills and tools our students need to ensure that they are ready and able to engage in the world. We are very keen for parents and caregivers to be involved in discussions about the future of digital technologies at OLMC. In another section of the newsletter, you will find information about how to nominate to be part of a forum to be held at 7.00pm in the Heagerty Room (foyer of MHT) on Wednesday 21 June.

I wrote to families on Wednesday 7 June alerting you to reports that OLMC will be impacted by the removal of the payroll tax exemption for high-fee-paying non-government schools. While our school and our peak body, the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria, continue to work hard to oppose the new tax, I have added to PAM a link to a draft letter, should you wish to contact Labor MPs.

This is the last newsletter before the break. We hope that you all have a wonderful break and enjoy a change of routine. We hope all students find time to rest and rejuvenate ready for a busy and exciting Term 3.