
Edition 3 | 04 March 2022
Judith Weir

We are in the season of Lent and our community is once again focusing on the work of Caritas and Project Compassion. Lent is a time of invitation and hope as we await the Resurrection. It is also a time when we are called to go beyond ourselves and to think of others. This year we include all those who live in the Ukraine in our prayers. We pray for peace and a just outcome. I have included below an excerpt from a media release from Catholic Religious Australia inviting us to renew our commitment to be agents of peace and justice:

“Pope Francis has warned us that those who wage war forget humanity, placing partisan interests and power before all else. This Ash Wednesday, may we draw close to the Ukrainian People in prayer and solidarity, deeply empathetic with the sufferings of our brothers and sisters during this impending humanitarian catastrophe,” said Peter Carroll FMS, CRA President.

“Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten season, a time for individual and collective conversion as we journey towards the paschal mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. May this day of fasting bring us to a renewed commitment to be agents of peace and justice, in our daily lives and in our world,” he added.

We will also continue our support for Caritas who has a strong focus on empowering people to overcome poverty and we encourage our students to think about how a small donation might change a life. I encourage all in our community to support this effort to give to those in need.

Today we held our annual OLMC Swimming Carnival. We were blessed with wonderful weather which contributed to a wonderful atmosphere. The Year 12 leaders and all Year 12 students kicked off the day with the traditional parade. Watching young people so enthusiastically participating in competitive swimming, novelty and cheering events was such a joy. Congratulations to all students who attended for their commitment and school spirit. We will eagerly wait to see which house takes home the trophy.

In the coming weeks Our Lady of Mercy College is delighted to offer you an opportunity to experience a lifetime memory with your child at the Time and Space events for a significant adult male and Year 8 child to be held on March 15 and a significant female adult and Year 7 child to be held on Tuesday March 22. The nights are designed to provide an important moment for both adults and young people to share and we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the events. I have included this link to a testimonial from some men who participated last year, it can also be found on PAM.

As we begin our Lenten journey this week let us be more aware of the great love God has for us. May we be open to the sadness and struggles in our world and in ourselves, and may we seek once again to be God’s loving action.

Let us pray…

you have known us from the beginning of time,
you have known us in the depths of our dreams
and in the darkness of our fears,
you know us as your beloved.
Help us to own that core identity more and more
in this season of forgiveness and mercy.
Give us the rock-solid assurance of your unwavering faith in us|
as we seek the same in you. Amen.
Shane Taylor
Head of Faith and Mission

Ash Wednesday is one of the days in our year, which dynamically mark us (both physically and spiritually) as we begin again. On this day and through all of Lent, we seek ways to understand and celebrate God’s great love for us, and to love our neighbour.

All Pastoral Groups celebrated their own liturgy where they were invited to see God active and present in their world, loving them and all of God’s creation. They listened to God’s word, received blessed Ash, and prayed for the needs of our world.

We invite all families to consider the work of Caritas Australia through Project Compassion. Here is the link to learn more and to donate. https://www.caritas.org.au/

We thank you for your support.

Shane Taylor
Head of Faith and Mission

The Justice Group Young Mercy Links [YML] Victoria is a group of young people set up and supported by ISMAPNG in 2005, who wish to continue to be connected in Mercy.

YML maintain involvement in community service and are involved in justice and advocacy in areas such as sustainability, women and poverty, and people seeking asylum.

Our members typically age from 18 - 26. YML is an inclusive group but has generally been made up of students from Mercy schools.

YML offers passionate young people a fantastic opportunity to connect with like-minded people.

Connect here http://www.mercyhub.org.au/young-mercy-links.html

On Thursday 17 March and Wednesday 30 March we will be holding Parent/Student/Teacher interviews via Google Meet. Bookings can now be made for the interviews via PAM.

Andrew Gibson
Curriculum Coordinator

An email communication regarding these interviews was sent on Thursday 3 March, as well as instructions on how to join the meets and a support number for the day. The process for these interviews is the same as was used for Pastoral interviews earlier in the year, and for Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews in 2021.

While you will not have to physically move from room to room, we still ask that you allow at least 5 minutes between interviews so that you can leave one meet, have a debrief and then be ready to join the next interview at the booked time.

We ask that your daughter be present for the interviews as it is about her and her learning. These meetings are an important opportunity to discuss learning and learning growth. They are an opportunity to acknowledge both effort and achievement, to discuss challenges and consider strategies and support for future growth.

We look forward to the opportunity to have these conversations.

Bookings will close on Wednesday 16 March at midday, and then reopen on Friday 18 March.

If you have not received the email, please contact the College.

Both Thursday 17 March and Wednesday 30 March are student free days.

Andrew Gibson
Curriculum Coordinator

The overview of the 2022 Year 7-10 Curriculum can be found in the Parent Handbook, under Year 7-10 Programs. It is also available on the College website, under the Learning@olmc tab.

The Overview of the 2022 Year 7-10 Curriculum document provides an summary of the subjects, the number of lessons a cycle, as well as the strands taught in that subject. The strands are key ways that a subject curriculum is organised according to skill or content. For example, English has three strands, Reading and Viewing, Writing, and Speaking and Listening.

In the Course Outline section, you will find more detail on the subjects that the student is studying. In this area of the Curriculum Overview, each subject area lists the topics explored, as well as the associated assessment tasks with that subject. An indication of subject areas where the Capabilities are assessed is also provided in the course overview. It is a handy resource to consult and can help with initiating conversations about learning at home.

Andrew Gibson
Curriculum Coordinator

Last Friday, 25 February, I had the opportunity to speak to our Year 7 students at their Year level assembly. I wished to speak to them regarding two things. The first being the role of homework in their learning, and the second on assessment at OLMC.

To aid transition into secondary school, students in Year 7 did not receive homework for the first three weeks, and recently homework may have been set in the subjects of English, Mathematics and Languages. The gradual introduction to homework is so that students have the opportunity to develop good habits over these weeks in their personal organisation. That is, using their diary to record tasks to be completed, and developing a routine at home of when and where homework is completed. Homework provides the opportunity for students to independently apply their understanding and skills to a task.

The second item I spoke of was the role of assessment, because all year levels assessments are now being completed or about to commence.

The role of assessment is to provide students with feedback about what knowledge or skills they have been able to demonstrate and what the next steps are for their learning. I like to think of it in terms of the ‘Glow and Grows’, what has been done well and is to be acknowledged and affirmed, and where is the opportunity for students to grow?

Students in Years 7-11 will be provided with a rubric prior to a task, and this rubric will indicate the skills and understanding that will be assessed in the task. When looking at the rubric, each row should contain one criterion which is then differentiated to describe the nature of increasing expertise. As we move from the left to the right on the rubric the demonstration of skill or knowledge becomes more complex.

The rubric also provides feedback following an assessment. The coloured cell in each row on the rubric will indicate the teacher’s on balance judgement as to what the understanding or skill the student has been able to demonstrate. The uncoloured cell on the row to the right provides feedback to the student as to what they were not able to successfully demonstrate. It provides information as to what the next step is for the student, where there is opportunity for a student to grow.

Aside from discussing the role of the rubric, I also mentioned that a grade will be provided for an assessment. A grade provides a general indicator of accomplishment but grades do not communicate what the next steps are for learning in that subject.

I mentioned to students that a C grade is a good result. However, it is the rubric that is the more important aspect to focus on, as it will provide a student with a clear indication of what the next steps are for learning. The rubric provides greater value in discussing learning.

When looking at tasks that have been assessed on PAM, you will be able to access the rubric. This is a great place to start a conversation regarding learning growth, with questions such as “What does the rubric tell you? What were the glows and where is the opportunity for you to grow?”

Andrew Gibson
Curriculum Coordinator

The National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) will be held at the College for all students in Years 7 and 9 in May. The tests will be undertaken online, with students needing their laptop and a pair of headphones for the tests.

The testing dates are Wednesday 11- Friday 13 May, with tests being conducted across these three days.

It is important that students are present for these tests so please avoid making any appointments on these days. In early Term 2, further information regarding NAPLAN will be emailed to parents and guardians with students in Years 7 and 9.

In the lead up to the NAPLAN tests, students will be undertaking a range of practice tests to familiarise themselves with the platform.

If you would like to view the format of the tests, then you can do so via the link here. It will take you to the public demonstration site where you can view sample tests for Years 3, 5, 7 and 9.

This week in our Pastoral session in response to the worsening crisis in Ukraine, resulting in thousands of people being displaced from their homes, the girls of CRIV decided to respond by combining Shrove Tuesday with some targeted fundraising.

With Mr Ives in charge of supplies , including some freshly flipped pancakes from home, the girls contributed what they could to provide some financial support for the people forced to flee the violence.

So while we had a little feast we also made a small contribution to feeding and supporting others!

We are delighted to say we have sent off $150 to UNHCR as a result of this wonderful pastoral activity.

Russell Ives
Pastoral Leader (CRIV)

Most parents would say, “Well of course my child knows I’m here for them”. Yet, many young people are unsure, or simply not getting the message, that they are loved and valued.

Megan Edwards
Head of Student Wellbeing

Resilient Youth Australia, report that in a sample of over 91,000 Australian children, 25% of Years 3 – 4 students say they cannot identify an adult in their lives who listens to them. This goes up to 32% in Years 7 – 8 and 39% in Years 9 – 10. As an adult, these statistics are hard. However, whether the numbers are perfectly correct is irrelevant, it is what a large percentage of young people believe. Perception is everything. We may be there for them but the message isn’t being heard by all of them.

Sometimes this perceived lack of support plays out as being defiant, arguing and acting out. From the outside the behaviour is frustrating and difficult to tolerate. Yet on the inside the young person may be doubting their sense of worth and their place in the world. The behaviour may be a way of trying to see if they are loved.

For their mental health and sense of wellbeing, everyone needs at least one adult who is trustworthy, sees them, listens to them, and is deeply invested in them. It is the greatest protective factor we can offer a young person.

If we all love our kids and if we are all listening and here for them, why don’t they know it?

Young people don’t read between the lines effectively
Young people are literal and do not infer meaning the way adults do.

There is a natural negativity bias
Young people are hardwired to be negative. We all are. We are wired to look for threats. This has helped determine the success of the human species and it is especially strong in our young people as they are more reliant on the instinctive part of their brain, the amygdala.

Negativity bias means young people will remember being told off for a lot longer than all the supports offered!

Adults don’t communicate as well as we think we do
Often when we interact with young people, they seem a lot like adults. We assume they understand a lot more than they do. This communication breakdown is most obvious when we discipline young people. When we say we don’t like a behaviour, they often hear it as, “I don’t like you.” A sense of shame emerges and shame damages relationships.

Strategies for bridging the gap
Use a 5:1 ratio
We can achieve positive changes in relationships with young people by working on a ratio of five positive interactions to one criticism. Positive interactions can be friendly conversations, specific praise or positive feedback, or even non verbal approvals.

Be clear
If we value a person (young or adult), we need to tell them. Often, they will not recognise that connection on their own.

  • I love being your mum / dad / sister / friend / partner
  • Talking to you at dinner is my favourite part of the day
  • I am here for you
  • You can tell me anything

Listen and reflect back
What we all want deep down is to be truly heard and understood. Young people are no different. They want you to listen and then reflect back what you have understood. This means they feel truly heard. Don’t focus on fixing the problem. Don’t compare it to a situation you’ve been in or tell a ‘I remember when that happened to me’ story. Just stop talking and listen.

Be careful with humour
Try not to make jokes at the expense of a young person. They laugh along at the time, but the joke may reinforce their low self-worth, and it stays with them. For many young people the parent is the all-knowing adult, so what they say matters, joking or not. We can use humour with kids, yet it means we need to avoid deprecating humour. Joke about things, not people.

Separate behaviour from the relationship
There are times when we can’t be positive and reaffirming with a young person. This shouldn’t be a deal breaker. So, when a child says, “You just don’t love/like me,” separate the behaviour from your relationship. For example, “Your choices and behaviours have consequences but that doesn’t mean I am ever going to stop loving/caring for you. The behaviour is bad, not you.”

Many young people will never articulate their sense of being alone. It is our job to ensure they don’t have to by meeting them where they are.

Modifed from: https://santamaria.wa.edu.au/we-care-about-our-kids-so-why-dont-they-know-it/?v=2

Megan Edwards
Head of Student Wellbeing

Webinar for Parents - Time Management & Beating Procrastination

Wednesday 9 March at 7:00pm

We are excited to announce that parents of our school have exclusive access to Elevate Education’s Parent Webinar series this year.

Elevate works with our students, delivering high impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation. By tuning into their webinar series, you will learn how to better support your children at home through reinforcing the skills they learn at school.

In Time Management & Beating Procrastination, Elevate will show you:

  • How to avoid fights over homework and study;
  • Strategies to ensure your child is balanced, stress free AND productive;
  • The most common causes of procrastination and how to avoid;
  • What types of work the top students prioritise to get top marks.

​​​​​​The webinar is run live online from 7:00pm - 8:00pm (AEDT) where the presenter will share Elevate’s key research and skills, and will conduct a live Q&A so you can ask them questions directly.

Register here https://get.elevatecoaching.info/au/schoolwebinar

Tuesday 22 March 2022 at 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start.

Megan Edwards
Head of Student Wellbeing

As part of our transition process and to welcome families to OLMC we invite our 2022 Year 7 students to spend an evening with an important woman in their life – mother, aunt, grandmother etc.

Please save the following date: Tuesday 22 March 2022 at 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start for the annual “Time & Space Mother Figures and Daughters” event.

Please book here to attend this event.

Follow the prompts and click Submit at the end. You will receive a confirmation email from “Time & Space”. You and your student will be asked to bring a 'treasure' in the confirmation email.

We hope to see you all there.

Tuesday 15 March 2022 at 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start.

Megan Edwards
Head of Student Wellbeing

Please save the following date: Tuesday 15 March 2022 at 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start for the annual "Time & Space Father Figures and Daughters" event.

Please book here now. to attend this event

Follow the prompts and click Submit at the end. You and your student will receive a confirmation email from "Time & Space".

You will be asked to bring a 'treasure' in the confirmation email.

We hope to see you there.

On Monday afternoon, the Student Representative Council (SRC) was announced. Students who nominated for positions, had to undergo a rigorous process. They were required to submit written applications, completed group interviews conducted by the Year 12 Student Leadership team and made speeches in front of their peers. Their year level then had the opportunity to vote for the students they believed would represent them best at the SRC. The Student Leadership Team noted the quality of leadership displayed during group interviews and throughout the whole process. We hope that all students who nominated for positions were able to learn more about their strengths as leaders.

SRC presents an amazing opportunity for students to be the voice of change within OLMC, while also being a leader and role model for their peers. We cannot wait to see the amazing work that these girls achieve this year!

Congratulations to the SRC team of 2022.

Year 7Ineka D. (7AAP)Irene K. (7DBU)
Year 8Olivia C. (8LWH)Giuliana P. (8MWA)
Year 9Hanna H. (9NWA)Stephanie T. (9WJA)
Year 10Monique C. (AASE)Nathasha J. (CRIV)
Year 11Lauren B. (AMJE)Alessia K. (MSHO)
Year 12Lani C. (CBRY)Lilly C. (MFTA)

The Year 9 House Vice Captains were also announced on Monday and participated in the official ‘hand over’ ceremony with the 2021 House Vice Captains at the House Assembly on Tuesday. Similar to the SRC, candidates completed written applications, were interviewed by the Year 12 House Captains and made speeches to the students in their House. The quality of applicants and their dedication and preparation for all aspects of the process highlight the many leaders that we have at Year 9. The House Vice Captains play an active role in developing House Spirit - particularly amongst our Year 7-9 students. Congratulations to the following students who have been appointed to the role of House Vice Captain for 2022.

CarmelElizabeth F. (9JGU)Phoebe T. (9LAN)
LoretoMadeline S. (9SMI)Romaine v. (9NWA)
McAuleyBianca C. (9DCA)Jasmine P. (9DCA)
MercyOlivia C. (9JGU)Lexie H. (9LAN)

Anna De Rosa
Student Leadership Coordinator

English is unique in that all students are required to study an English subject from Year 7 until Year 12 and so it has been a busy start to the term in English across the school. The following snapshot offers a perspective on the wide range of texts and activities that students are undertaking in Term 1.

Year 7 students are learning about persuasive techniques in preparation to writing a persuasive essay relating to a current issue.

In Year 8, English classes are studying the play Frankenstein, an interpretation of Mary Shelley’s classic novel reimagined as a play by popular British author, Philip Pullman.

In Year 9, students are enjoying reading and responding to a range of Australian short stories before planning and writing their own response from a different perspective to the original story.

Year 10 students are analysing the gothic fiction of the American mid-century author Shirley Jackson through their study of the novella We Have Always Lived in the Castle.

In VCE English, Year 11 students have been exploring Montana 1948 in preparation for their first SAC, a text analysis whilst Year 12 students are studying the dystopian novel Station Eleven and developing their own interpretations of the text.

In Literature, Year 10 students have had a taste of Ancient Greek society through their study of Sophocles play Antigone, Year 11 classes are studying the views and values of A Doll’s House by Henrick Ibsen and preparing for oral presentations. Year 12 students are comparing the novel Picnic at Hanging Rock by Joan Lyndsay with Peter Weir’s iconic film. Year 11 students studying English Language are on a steep learning curve as they learn about the functions of language and its various subsystems while learning a whole new linguistics vocabulary to support this and Year 12 English Language students are exploring the social purpose of informal language.

The study of English subjects supports students to engage in a wide range of ideas from fiction and non-fiction texts, the media and contemporary society and this helps them to reflect on current issues as well as allowing them to enter multiple worlds. Students can reflect on the past and present and understand how ideas and attitudes may have changed over time and to explore ideas from a range of perspectives which ultimately supports them to make sense of the human experience.

Parents and carers are encouraged to engage in discussions and ideas associated with the texts, creative writing, media issues and language that students will study this year which is certain to be enriching and thought-provoking.

Anne Morrison
English Learning Area Leader

Teachers of Unit 3/4 Language classes will quite often also have a Year 7 class as part of their teaching load. This ‘bookending’ really allows us to see the immense progress that occurs in language-learning over six short years, from students who have (in many cases) never learned the language before to students who can communicate quite complex ideas in spoken and written form. The language becomes the vehicle for delving into a range of interesting subtopics, from the environment to social issues like homelessness or racism, always with a cultural bent. To give you an idea of what our senior students in languages are currently learning and how they will be assessed on these skills and knowledge, please read the following contributions from each of the Unit 3/4 teachers:

The Unit 3/4 Japanese class has been learning about schools and the educational system in Japan. We have been focusing on aspects such as school rules, uniforms, daily activities, “kurabu katsudoo” (daily after school club activities) and “juku” (“cram schools” or tutoring schools), as well as the similarities and differences with Australia. We have worked around the key question “What would my life be like as an exchange student in Japan?” We have had some very interesting discussions, in particular about how school life would be different in Japan. In Week 6 the students will complete Outcome 3, a writing task around a “real-life” scenario where they are required to write about some of the aspects about Japanese schools studied in class. (Mr James Stavretis)

The Unit 3/4 Italian class has been learning about health (La Salute) and in particular the ways to improve diet, physical activity and stress levels. Students have listened to songs, interviews, news reports and dialogues and read articles about this topic. Of particular interest was the recognition of the ‘Dieta Mediterranea’ by UNESCO as a cultural heritage of humanity. Students have become aware of the increasing stress levels of adolescents in Italy and have been able to compare their lifestyles to those of young Italian people. They are now preparing an oral SAC in which they have to persuade me (a friend of theirs) to adopt a healthier lifestyle. They will have three to four minutes to use as much culturally rich and appropriate language as possible. In order to respond to on-the-spot questions, it is vital that students have a broad knowledge and understanding of the three focus areas. It is exciting to see the variety of ways that students have responded to the task and how they are extending themselves in order to manipulate the role play to their advantage. (Mrs Cenza Basile)

The Unit 3/4 French class has been learning about Paris and its ‘quartiers’. We have focused on three areas in particular: the Marais, Saint-Germain-des-Prés and Montmartre. The students have been studying a range of texts such as video clips and podcasts to learn about the history, tourist attractions, restaurants and ‘vibe’ of each area. Each student has selected one quartier to talk about in the oral SAC. This SAC requires students to engage in a three- to four-minute role-play with the teacher, focusing on negotiating a solution to a personal issue. The scenario is that two friends are going on a holiday to Paris and must negotiate the best itinerary for the trip. The ‘friend’ (the teacher) has some different ideas about what they should see and do in Paris. Students therefore need to be very well prepared from a content and language point of view so as to be able to respond to on-the-spot questions and persuade the teacher to visit their chosen quartier in this unscripted role-play. (Mrs Fleur Davison)

Fleur Davison
Learning Languages Leader

There is a concept in Science education called ‘science capital’. This is a measure of the total experiences young people have in Science. It enables them to see themselves and to understand, use and work on science. Business and governments want to promote STEM careers to build Australia’s skilled workforce, so that our country can grow in innovation and problem solving, but promotion is useless unless students can see themselves in those roles.

Our Year 9 BrainSTEM team recently had a visit to the RMIT microscopy labs. They got to visit a research laboratory, a Biosafety Level 2 Laboratory, so the team had to enter through an airlock and wear full PPE – which was pretty exciting for us all.

Every time our students put on their lab gear and use the lab equipment, they build science capital and identity, but it is a battle against the corrosive effects of voices in their networks that say ‘science is hard, I can’t do science.’

During the holidays I spoke at the National Science Teachers Conference in Canberra about the ways that informal science communication can enrich science learning. Research from a decade ago found that 95% of every adult’s science knowledge was learned AFTER they finished school. This is why science at school is so important. It lays the foundations for success at work, in personal health behaviours, civic responsibility and in recreation. The keynote speaker was Nobel Prize winner Brian Schmidt who is the Vice Chancellor of ANU. He spoke about the importance of students having a broad range of skills, especially the so-called soft skills: communication, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking and coding.

Earlier in the semester, we had nine teams of students compete in the Royal Australian Chemical Institute’s Titration Stakes Competition. Students, in teams of three, completed a series of two titrations to determine the concentration of a vinegar sample. Our highest performing team was Alyssa B. Year 12 (LJVA), Imogen C. Year 12 (AGGL) and Ailish H. Year 12 (MMWI). They came 20th in the state (218 teams competed) and received a Silver Medal for their performance. As the highest performing OLMC team they were therefore this year’s winners of the OLMC Perpetual Titration Stakes Trophy. Three additional teams were awarded Bronze Medals based on the accuracy of their combined results.

Susan Long
Science Learning Leader


As adults, we all know the critical role positive experiences and good mentors can play in our lives. At OLMC, we have seen a growing number of students take on VET studies as part of their secondary school program as they look to develop their skills in industries and areas they are considering pursuing in the future. For each of these students, work placement is either a compulsory component of their course or a highly recommended activity to apply what they are learning in their training in a real work environment.

In our VCAL program specifically, we have a wonderful, small group of students who are looking to source work placements in the Beauty Industry, Sport & Recreation Industry and in Early Childhood Education. We are hoping to find potential employers each Friday in Terms 2 and 3 this year. Students are aware of and will follow all COVID Safe practices in their workplace environment. If you work in any of these industries and would be willing to take on a student once a week (Friday) for 5, 10 or 20 weeks, please email Melinda Williams, Careers Coordinator at mwilliams@olmc.vic.edu.au or call the College on 94592511.

Our students have written these brief introductory profiles for your consideration:

Hi, my name is Sammie M D. (MFTA) and I am currently in VCAL Year 11. I am a determined, friendly, enthusiastic, responsible and bright girl who is looking for a placement in a childcare centre or early learning environment. I love children and want to help them to develop their minds. I am currently completing a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care to work towards this goal. I have always found that young children respond positively to me and in the future, I am considering early childhood education and primary or dance teaching. I am really looking forward to my VET/VCAL studies and gaining skills to work in this area.

Hi my name is Madison B. (MARO), and I am currently in Year 11 and participating in the VCAL course. I would call myself an outgoing person and someone who loves to talk and get to know new people. I am a passionate person who admires the art of beauty and has a purpose to grow whilst completing my Certificate III in Beauty Services. The reason why I have picked the VCAL program is because I feel that this will not only give me a better understanding of what I would like to do but it will allow me to really develop my skills and qualities to be successful in the beauty industry. I am a good communicator and a quick learner, particularly when it comes to beauty skills. I would love the opportunity to undertake a work placement at a beauty salon or spa to help with my studies while giving me a better understanding of how this sort of business runs day-to-day.

Hi my name is Penelope M. (LMGL), and I am in Year 12 at Our Lady of Mercy College. I am currently a VCAL student completing my Certificate III in Beauty Services where I will be learning about manicures/pedicures, waxing, bridal, camouflage and photography makeup, eyelash/brow services and tanning. I’m a kind and motivated person who loves to learn from talented and supportive people. Once I finish this course I would love to start a mobile kids pamper party business as I enjoy talking with people of all ages. I am passionate, have a great understanding of the beauty industry and know I will live up to what is expected of me when working in this workplace environment. I am looking for an opportunity to learn from a professional or team of professionals in the beauty business such as a salon or makeup studio, where I can apply what I know and what I’m learning as part of my training.

Hi, I am Bridie B. (MFTA), and I’m in Year 12 currently completing VCAL. I chose VCAL because I am a hands-on learner and I wanted to be able to develop my skills while learning from my own and others’ actions. I am completing a Certificate III in Community Services (Health and Leisure) which I would like to use to work in the sport and recreation industry. I think work placement will help me understand what the real world workplace is like, and help me prepare for life after school. I’m dedicated, willing to attempt any task asked of me, friendly and love talking to people and doing my best to help. I’m really hoping to use my planning and thinking skills in the workplace and I’m keen to see how other workers interact with customers to help me develop my own skills. I would love to find a work placement in the sport industry so I can put all the things I’m learning into practice.

Melinda Williams
Careers Coordinator

In VCAL, we are currently looking at the issue of “fast fashion” and clothing waste. We have seen how this waste creates massive dumping grounds, which impacts poor communities and the environment in countries such as Ghana. We have been discussing how we might reduce this waste which has led us to our project - OLMC Upcycle.

The VCAL students will be running a market stall where clothes can be donated and resold, meaning we can find new homes for clothes and stop the waste. All students and teachers are encouraged to donate good quality items which will be sold over a series of lunchtimes later in the term. All money raised and clothes that don’t get sold will be donated to St Vincent De Paul, “Vinnies”.

Our project aims to educate OLMC students about the impact of “fast fashion” on our environment and encourage them to think more about their buying habits and consider how their clothes can be reused by others instead of going to waste.
Bridie B. (MFTA) - Year 12 VCAL student

In “Laudato Si”, Pope Francis addresses climate change and the culture of waste. With OLMC Upcycle, VCAL is taking on the challenge. The Year 12 VCAL students are driving the project and with the support of their Year 11 VCAL peers, they are doing a great job! Their first project for 2022, OLMC Upcycle has involved them putting together a formal proposal, working out the logistics of running the market stall including the collection of clothes, pricing, displays etc, as well as speaking at assemblies and general promotion of the project around the school. It is so affirming to see how passionate our VCAL students are about making a positive contribution to the global community through this innovative venture.

Ms Helen Hamblin
VCAL Coordinator

1st Century Palestine

The Texts and Traditions (Luke’s Gospel) class last week finished their studies of Outcome One, where they encountered the background, (history, culture, politics, geography, language, people) of first-century Palestine. In addition to sore arm muscles after writing two one-hour sacs in three days, here is a summary of their learning.

Next, they begin their exploration of Jewish and Greek literacy styles used by biblical authors. They are so excited!

In other Religious Education classes across the school there has been a particular focus on prayer, thanks to the work of Grace Austin. Grace has been supporting her colleagues in developing our skills in leading prayer, and as a result there have been classes taking part in Lectio Divina, Christian Meditation, the Ignatian Examen and other mindfulness activities, as well as creating prayers which are uploaded to SIMON for the use of pastoral groups each morning.

OLMC has many groups within the area of Faith and Ministry, one being Faith Animation. This group meets each Day 1 in the Chapel where we explore, plan and organise our liturgical experiences at school. If you are interested in being part of this group, please come and join us at lunchtime each Day 1.

Bernadette Hogan
Religious Education Learning Area Leader

“Sharing the Light”

This week is a very special week for Year 7s and Year 12s alike, as they met their “buddy” for the first time at this week’s first Full House Assemblies. Each Year 7 student received a special card, welcoming them to their house. From this week onwards, all Year 7 students will have a senior person that they can say hello to in our school grounds, a familiar face at school events and a connection to their house. This ritual will be reversed at the final house assemblies in Term 4, when it will be the Year 7s turn to say goodbye to this year’s OLMC graduates.

Year 9 Vice Captains were also announced at these assemblies, highlighting the importance of both house spirit and leadership throughout many stages of the OLMC journey.

Full House Assemblies occur once a term, and it is through these important events that emphasis is placed on belonging and connection. Often those connections are built when students put themselves out there, try something new and get involved in school life.

Congratulations to our amazing Year 12 House Captains for organising and facilitating their assemblies, but also for working as a team together!

Jemma Banfield - Carmel
Kathryn Williams - McAuley
Debbie Daly - Mercy
Hayley Gamble-Curran - Loreto
Senior House Coordinators

Completing a VET subject as part of your VCE or VCAL program is a great way to experience more hands-on learning, with the opportunity to complete a nationally recognised vocational qualification while still at school. A VET subject (standing for Vocational Education and Training) is in most cases a two-year commitment, usually completed in Years 11 and 12.

VET qualifications give you industry exposure and encourage experience in the workplace that reinforces your skills development. VET can strengthen your education by giving you the opportunity to gain practical skills and knowledge that complement your VCE studies.

In 2022, we have approximately 40 students across Years 11 and 12, completing a VET qualification as part of their VCE or VCAL program outside of OLMC, as well as more than 60 students completing one of the two VET courses offered here at the College.

Some of the VET subjects studied by students at OLMC include: Beauty Services, Early Childhood Education, Fashion, Animal Studies, Sound Production, Allied Health, and Sport & Recreation.

Year 9 and 10 students may wish to consider a VET subject as an option in their senior years. Opportunities will arise later in the year to attend VET tasters, which give students the chance to see VET in action. We also encourage you to speak to students in Years 11 and 12 who are currently completing VET subjects.

‘At VET I am studying to get my Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care. I am in my second year of this course and find that it gives you an independence beyond the walls of OLMC and I'm able to meet new people that have the same interest as me. I really enjoy going once a week and it's rewarding to know that I can get a job in the career path I'm passionate about right out of Year 12.’
Lanah C. (MFTA)

‘This year I am completing a Kitchen Operations VET course at William Angliss. So far, I have found this course very enjoyable and would highly recommend it to anyone who would like to gain some more experience in any area that has more practical, hands-on work. Since cooking is something I am very passionate about, VET has given me the opportunity to express my love for it whilst allowing me to both develop and learn more about skills that will ultimately assist me in my future career. I’m very excited to explore the opportunities I have in hospitality once my course is completed.’

Ella K. (AGGL)

Anne Rogan
Pathways Coordinator

GSV Golf Afternoon

On Tuesday 15 February, Charlotte P. (9SMI) headed out to the Metropolitan Golf Course to represent OLMC at the GSV Golf Day Event. The competition is conducted as an individual stroke play event over 9 holes. Charlotte competed in the handicap category and placed 10th.

Well done Charlotte, we are so proud of you and your efforts!

GSV Triathlon

OLMC Students participated in the GSV Triathlon at Altona on Sunday 27 February.

Thirty students represented OLMC and participated in individual and team races. For many of the students it was their first attempt at a triathlon, a notable stand out was Year 12 students Chloe T. (CSGP) who complete her sixth GSV Triathlon, a fantastic effort.

Notable performances:

Junior IndividualLucy C. (7DBU): Placed 3rd
Kayla B. (7LDA): Placed 29th
Intermediate IndividualJamieson L. (9WJA): Placed 17th

Congratulation to all involved.

Thank you to all parents for the early start to the day.

Trevor Robertson
Sport Coordinator

Term 1 Sport Dates

Friday 4 MarchHouse Swimming Carnival at Boroondara Sport Complex
Monday 7 March

GSV: Preliminary Carnival Diving and Swimming

Tuesday 22 MarchGSV: Championship Carnival Diving and Swimming
Tuesday 5 AprilGSV: Diving and Swimming Finals

OLMC Sport Website:

For all GSV and general sport information and news please go the OLMC Sport Website.

Our Lady of Mercy College Heidelberg is launching a new brand look to help share our story and strengths with prospective families and the community.

Over the next month, the new look will be rolled out across our website, advertising and social media.

Featuring bold new colours and graphic elements, the design reflects OLMC Heidelberg’s future-focused curriculum and cutting-edge facilities, as well as our strong sense of community as a Catholic school and a Ministry of Mercy Education Ltd.

At OLMC Heidelberg, our students, staff and families feel welcome, supported and respected. We are committed to social justice, helping others, and we constantly seek ways to support the wider community.

Our students have access to a diverse curriculum, all the resources they need, opportunities to develop, and fantastic facilities to explore their passions.

Together we can learn, lead and be the best we can be. We are empowered together.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about the new brand, please contact Liz Baxter, Leader of Marketing and Development, E: ebaxter@olmc.vic.edu.au

Elizabeth Baxter
Leader of Marketing and Development

Applications for The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) 2022 are now open and remain open until the end of Term 2, 2022.

Parents/legal guardians holding a Concession Card and being successfully validated with Centrelink will be entitled to a payment of $225.00 per year for each Secondary School student and $125 per year for each Primary School student.

Parents please refer to the 2022 Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF) Application Form https://www.education.vic.gov.au/about/programs/Pages/csef.aspx

Please complete this application and return it as soon as possible to Visitor Reception at OLMC along with a photocopy of your relevant Concession Card.

Susan Gepp
Accounts Receivable Officer

Follow the official Our Lady of Mercy College accounts on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. We’ll be sharing regular news, student achievements and stories from around the College.

OLMC College Tours

Prospective families are invited on a tour of the OLMC facilities followed by an information session with Principal Judith Weir, Transition Coordinator Rowena Thomson and two students.