Important Safeguarding Correspondence

Past Pupils and Staff Reconnected
The Past Pupils' Association (PPA) was re-established in 2010 in OLMC’s Centenary Year, during which time many past pupils and staff reconnected with the College and with old friends.
A database of Past Pupils’ contact details currently holds over 2600 names. We are keen to keep building this database and to establish and maintain contact with as many past pupils and staff as possible.
Membership of the Past Pupils Association is automatic and is void of any financial commitment. Twice a year those registered receive a copy of CapeStreet, the College’s bi-annual magazine.
Reunions are a great way to catch up with friends from your days at OLMC and there are a number of groups that have been meeting on a regular basis for many years. Reunions are also important to the College as through these gatherings the College shares in the lives and achievements of past pupils and is able to share news about the life at OLMC.
Reunion groups are determined by the final year, which is the year a student did or would have completed Year 12 or equivalent. For example if you left OLMC in Year 11 (Form 5) in 1976 your graduating year would have been 1977 – therefore you are part of the Class of 1977.
The College can provide considerable support and advice in planning a reunion, providing a venue, assistance with advertising or to obtain contact details for your year group. If you would like to be part of the organising committee for your year group please contact Marie Jenkins at the college on 9459 2511. Organising a reunion is a big task and we are happy to help wherever we can.
If you have already started organising a reunion please let us know so that we can publish details in school publications.
Past Pupils' Association Committee
The Past Pupils' Association Committee meets three times a year and warmly welcomes new members and new ideas. A Past Pupils' Association Charter was developed in 2012 which outlines the objectives of the Association.
The OLMC Past Pupils' Association seeks to:
- Promote and support the work and ethos of the Sisters of Mercy
- Support the values and activities of the OLMC Community
- Foster connections between past pupils, staff and friends of OLMC
- Foster links between current and former students of OLMC
- Act as a valuable resource to the College community.
All Past Pupils are welcome to join the committee. If you are interested please contact Marie Jenkins at the College.
Marie Jenkins is the ‘Go to’ person based at the College for all matters pertaining to past pupils. The database is maintained by Marie, so please keep her advised of any amended or additional contact details.
Ms Marie Jenkins
Community Development Coordinator
T: (03) 9455 7571
If you would like to update your contact details please do so by completing the Past Pupil Contact Details Form below. We ask that you encourage all the past pupils you know to do the same.